Horror Games

Prepare yourself for fear, suspense, and terror. There are plenty of free horror games on this page. You can play the newest and most popular horror games by using the filters to find them.

Explore a Range of Free Horror Games

Scariest Horror Games

Browse some of the scariest horror games online. Turn off the lights and sneak into the terrifying world of Scary Freddy, a horror game where you’re trapped in a house and must escape undetected from the grasp of a killer. He could be lurking around any corner...

If that doesn’t sound haunting enough, try House of Celestina, a frightening escape game where you must get away from evil Celestina. There's also Exhibit of Sorrows, a unique and creepy clown-themed horror title.

Slenderman Horror Games

Slenderman is a well-known supernatural character featured in several scary games and movies. Enjoy a mash-up of creepy horror and FPS action in Slenderman Must Die: Silent Streets. Check out Slendrina Must Die: The Forest for another spooky option in this category.

Survival and Escape Horror Games

If you enjoy the twisted thrill of surviving among deranged spirits, zombies, and madmen, survival and escape horror games are a great choice. Whether it’s sci-fi horror or the classic zombie survival game packed full of action and the suspense of immediate danger around ever corner. Some top-tier survival and escape horror games are:

More Horror Games

Horror is a broad genre of games that involve scares, frights, and masterful suspense. Whether you prefer the slow-burning suspense or the quick jump-scares, there’s a host of online horror games to petrify yourself with in this game collection.


What are the most popular Horror Games?

  1. 911: Prey
  2. Haunted School
  3. Horror Tale
  4. Room Escape: Strange Case
  5. Escape Room: Strange Case 2
  6. 911: Cannibal
  7. Exhibit of Sorrows
  8. Siren Head: Playing in the Forest
  9. Creepy Granny Scream: Scary Freddy
  10. FNaF Shooter

What are the best Horror Games to play on mobile phones and tablets?

  1. Horror Tale
  2. Antarctica 88
  3. Exhibit of Sorrows
  4. Room Escape: Strange Case
  5. Skinwalker

What are Horror Games?

Horror games are suspenseful games designed to instill fear in those playing. Some involve escaping or surviving in trying circumstances. Browse our collection and give yourself the chills with some of the scariest free horror games online.

Play the Best Online Horror Games for Free on CrazyGames, No Download or Installation Required. 🎮 Play 911: Prey and Many More Right Now!
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